History Test 2 April 2007 Corrections
1) What does Source A say about the author’s view of the British system of government in Singapore? Explain your answer (4m)
Source A shows that the British system of government works well and smoothly.(evidence) This suggests that the British government was efficient and organized. (conclusion, inference) This meant that the author was proud/positive of the government because the source provenance stated that he was a British official.
In addition, the source was written by a British official and his view was presented at the Royal Colonial Institute. (evidence) This implies that the author probably gave a subjective account of the British system of government because he was part of the government.(conclusion) Besides from the provenance, it seems that he was compelled to praise the British government.
2) Compare sources B and C. How different are the sources on their account of Chinese SS as lawless and fearful? Explain your answer (6m)
Source B and C are different in showing the lawlessness of the SS. Source B shows that the main danger of the SS came from gang robberies. This implies that the people would have been gravely affected. This meant that SS would have disrupted peace and social stability. However Source C shows that the SS were involved in frequent gang fights which would have threatened peace but might not have affected the general public.
In addition, Source B shows that the SS were very influential with gangs of up to 200 which raided the town every night. This implies that the SS power was great and created fear amongst the people. In contrast, Source C shows that the days of large scale society riots were over. This suggests that the SS were no longer creating an atmosphere of lawlessness.
However, Sources B and C are also similar in some ways in showing lawlessness. Source B shows that SS raided the town every night. This implies that the people would have lived in fear. Similarly, Source C shows that SS paralyzed Singapore which suggests that the people would have lived in a state of lawlessness and fear.
3) Explain the two measures adopted by the British govt to handle lawlessness in the Chinese community. (5m)
The British Government adopted several measures to deal with lawlessness. The Chinese community was made up of many members who were also involved in Secret Societies. These members were involved in the coolie trade which saw many form of abuses. For example, the coolies were tricked into coming to work here and they suffered poor conditions onboard the ships. In addition, they were also ill-treated by working long hours and given little food. This lack of governance created a sense of insecurity amongst the early migrants.
To deal with this problem the British govt set up the Chinese Protectorate to look into these abuses. William Pickering was appointed as the First Protector as he was able to communicate with the Chinese and thus would be able to act on the complaints of the coolies. This protectorate would also rescue coolies who were cheated to come here to work. Hence with this measure, the British government was able to look into the abuses of the coolie trade. With this sense of security, more coolies would be encouraged to come to work in Singapore.
In addition, the Chinese were also involved in many illegal activites like the operations of gambling dens, opium dens and brothels. The secret societies members were also involved in lawless activities like gang robberies and gang fights. This made the people fearful for their lives and created social instability and disrupted peace in society.
To deal with these illegal activities, the British Government set up the Criminal Investigation Branch to deal with the Secret Societies. The police force was improved by recruiting more policemen and more Chinese into the force. The salaries of these policemen were raised and working hours improved. In addition, they were also given training especially in dialects to enable them to understand the nature of the Secret Societies. With this, the widespread power of the secret societies decreased and there was improved law and order.