Chapter 9 Merger and Separation Lesson PPT
. Reasons for a merger with Malaya
. Reasons for Separation
Do you agree that the merger is an union of convenience? Explain
Why Singapore wanted a Merger with Malaya
1a) Economic Reasons - Need for a hinterland
. Declining entrepot trade and growth of industrialisation
. Need for raw materials
. Increasing population & demand for jobs
1b) Economic Reasons – Need for a Common Market
. With Malaya’s independence 1957, tariffs imposed on goods with Singapore
. Merger can provide for a Common Market where goods can be bought and sold freely without taxes
. Increase trade, expand industries and create more jobs
2a) Political Reason – Desire for Independence
. British unwilling to grant Singapore independence
. Too small a country, not confident of Singapore’s economic survival
. Concerned about communist threat in Spore
. With merger, Malaya’s raw materials and economic development would ensure Spore economic vibrancy
. With merger, communist threat would be checked by Malayan government
Malaya’s Hesitation
. Upsetting the racial balance
. Pro-communist support by the Chinese
Change of Mind
. Turmoil within the PAP
. Split between the moderates and radicals
. Malaya worried split would enable radicals to capture power from PAP
Reasons for Separation
1a) Political Reasons – 1963 Elections in Spore
. UMNO, MCA & MIC formed Spore Alliance
. PAP rejected Tunku’s proposal
. Spore Alliance lost all 3 seats
. Signal that Spore Malays not for communal politics
. UMNO unhappy and vowed to reorganise Spore Alliance to challenge PAP
. Strained relationship
1b) Political Reasons - 1964 Federal Elections
. PAP sent 17 candidates for Federal Elections
. Upset the Alliance Party in KL
. Seen as challenge to its supremacy
. Relationship further strained over PAP’s criticism of MCA as poor representative of urban Chinese in Malaya
. Also unhappy over PAP declaration to help build a Malaysia not based on racial lines
. Both parties lost confidence in each other
2a) Social Reasons – PAP’s programmes
. PAP’s plans to redevelop Crawford, Kampong Glam & Rochor Areas
. UMNO started anti-PAP campaign through Utusan Melayu
. Strained relationships as these speeches increased tensions between the races in Spore
. Tensions escalated with more anti-PAP speeches and resulted in the 1964 Racial Riots
2b) Social Reasons – Malaysian Malaysia
. Spore Alliance announced major reorganisation for Spore state election in 1967
. In response, PAP started by Malaysian Solidarity Convention (formed by PAP to create united opposition to communal-based Alliance)
. all Malaysians, regardless of race, language or religion, to be given equal opportunities
. UMNO saw this as attack on Malay rights and privileges demanded arrest of Lee Kuan Yew
3a) Economic Reasons – Pioneer Certificates
. Spore felt that KL was reluctant to grant PC to new industries to Spore
. Only 2 out of 69 approved
. Spore would lack behind other states in economic growth
. KL wanted to spread new industries throughout Malaysia and not just Spore
3b) Economic Reasons – Common Market
. KL not keen to set up CM though agreed to do so
. Spore goods to Malaya continued to be taxed
. Investors not keen to set up factories in Spore
. Attractive financial packages to set up businesses in Malaya
. Spore felt that it defeats the purpose of having a merger as no CM was provided for
3c) Economic Reasons – Spore’s contributions
. KL demanded that Spore contribution of its revenue be raised from 40% to 60%
. This was to pay for the cost of dealing with the Indonesian Confrontation
. Spore refused as it would cripple its economy
. This strained relations as UMNO would not be able to introduce policies well if the various states refuse to its proposals
3d) Economic Reasons – Bank of China
. KL proposed closing of Bank of China in Singapore
. KL felt that funds were sent from bank to communists in northern Malaya
. Singapore was not for it as the bank played an important role in Singapore-China trade; Chinese goods were affordable for Singaporeans
thanks for the great summary :)
littewhitebands, at 10:39 PM
This is really useful! Thanks a lot. now i have practically everythin i need. the article's great but you could change the background colour and the font you noe cus it would be a lot easier to read.
Diana, at 7:42 AM
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Anonymous, at 5:03 AM
Hello. Just wondering if you can share some SEQs and SBQs for chapter 7 to 9 for practice and preparation for EOY.
WOuld really appreciate it.
Tow Family, at 4:48 PM
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